Hi, this is where I answer common questions that have been asked to me since the making of this site. I have had alot of response from people which is very encouraging. Thank you!
Iguana Questions
Q: Hi Billy, I was wondering what to feed my new pet iguana, could you please help me!
Q: What size cage should I get for my iguana?
Q: How do you tell the sex of an iguana?
Q: What do I put in the tank (other than the iguana lol)?
Q: Where do I go to buy my iguana?
Q: What do they usually cost?
Q: What temperature does my iguana need?

 Q: Hi Billy, I was wondering what to feed my new pet iguana, could you please help me!
A: Well I like to feed my iguana a mix of fruit and veg aswell as a few bugs. The fruit I like to feed my iguana consists of, strawberries, grapes, oranges/any orange like fruit, kiwi fruit, plums, peach.....etc. The vegetables I like to give him are, a bit of cabbage (not lettuce, there is no nutritional value in such a pale, watery vegetable) , green beans, sweet potato, carrot, squashes....etc. I also like to feed him dandelion leaves and he absolutely loves the flowers of them its his favorite !! You can feed them flowers like hibiscus, rose petals, and dandelion flowers. The insects he likes to eat are meal worms. When he was young he ate grasshoppers and crickets but as he has grown he has gone off them. Just experiment to see what your iguana like to eat. Good luck!
 Q: What size cage should I get for my iguana?
A: I used a 4ft by 1ft by 1ft tank when I first got my iguana cos that's what I had but I would consider you building one...which could be better cos you'll be able to design it to how you want. For a fairly young iguana I would make/buy a tank about 2-4 ft in length  and around 1-3 ft in height. You might think that's a bit big for a small little lizard but believe me they grow around a foot-foot 1/2 in a year so its best to make one that he'll grow into so you don't have to keep buying/making cages all the time!  They grow to full size (5-6 ft) in around 4-5 years and after that don't get any longer but do get bulkier (wider and taller). So a BIG cage is eventually needed!

 Q: How do you tell the sex of an iguana?

A: Well I know how to do it when their older but not when young. If you look at a maturish iguana you'll notice that the bright green colour when it was a baby has now dulled to a brownish greeny colour. If its male then it will be more orange than green, especially on its limbs and head. Also to tell if its male look at the underside of his back legs to see if there are any circular pits. These I believe these are the cent/musk glands..I don't really know. If you ask the breeder you buy it off them they should be able to tell you what sex they are and how to go about doing it. Sorry.

 Q: What do I put in the tank (other than the iguana lol)?

A: Right...you should have a good substrate in the tank I use repti wood chips (without cedar, cos it can kill them) and spread it out about 1" thick all around. A heavy water bowl like a dog bowl for water so he/she doesn't tip it over also a similar one for food. A piece of bark or a purpose built hide for him/her to hide under. A rock to bask on and some branches for him/her to climb on. And to make it look nice you could put in some hardy tropical plants or fake ones in the tank. Heat can be provided by a uht (under tank heater, i.e. heat pad) and or a heat lamp or che (ceramic heating element). I use just a 2ft heat pad under the tank and a heat lamp. For the main source of light I use a florescent strip light approx. 2ft long.

 Q: Where do I go to buy my iguana?

A: To buy your green iguana try and look around for a breeder, but that may be hard cos they are often imported due to the lack of successful breeding programs and the demands of the pet trade!  Try not to get one from a pet store cos they are often not captive bred (but it might be the only option for you) and you could have some trouble in keeping it free of disease and bad health usually comes with the animal. Just look around for the best place and the healthiest animal. Hope this helps.

 Q: What do they usually cost?

A: It depends on where you get it from and which country you are in. I live in the uk so the prices over here are alot more expensive....my iguana cost me £29.99, but i have seen some on the net from America for only $3.95...now that's cheap...that price in the uk would be around £2 so they are pretty expensive over in the uk. It depends on where you go so happy hunting and make sure you find a nice healthy iguana, free from disease and infections and make sure its eating, and please if you can help it purchase a captive bred one.  Thank you and I hope this helps.

 Q: What temperature does my iguana need?
A: The average hotspot temp during the day should be around 85-95 degrees sounds hot but where they come from its a tropical rain forest so its hot there. The night time average temps shouldn't be allowed to drop below 80 degrees. The humidity in the tank/cage should be around 60-80%.

If anyone can't find what there looking for here then feel free to e-mail me with your questions, I'd be happy to help you! E-mail me at